PinnedGyneolatry: The Devotional Approach to FemdomGyneolatry is a wise and wonderful word no one knows. I had to look it up the first time I came across it too. The definition: worship of…Jan 30, 20222Jan 30, 20222
The Views of a Dominant WomanWhat triggers a woman to explore her innate dominance and rethink relationships and power dynamics; to choose to be served and submitted to…Dec 10, 20243Dec 10, 20243
Interview with a Dominant WomanExpect to be spanked. And if chosen, become one of several men in subservient service to this millennial dominant woman seeking submission…Dec 1, 2024Dec 1, 2024
Wise Woman, Wonderful Words“Your submission should be offered as a gift. Don’t try to make a woman into a tyrant for your pleasure. Learn that we expect you to submit…Sep 3, 20241Sep 3, 20241
The Seven Stages of Male Submission to WomenLet’s call it a journey. Sure that’s a bit cliché-ish but at this stage of my life I’ve come to terms with who I am and what I’m about…Aug 24, 20244Aug 24, 20244
A Pussy-free ParadigmI am unworthy. And if you’re a man, you probably are too. That’s the sentiment expressed by some — though not all — dominant women with…Jun 14, 20242Jun 14, 20242
From Feminism to GynarchyShe’s an apostle with an epiphany: women belong in charge. And I couldn’t agree more. Ms. Viola Voltairine is not only a dominant woman but…Apr 29, 20246Apr 29, 20246
Men Promoting FLR to Women.I’m not surprised. Not in the least. The numbers speak for themselves and reflect my experience as an enthusiastic advocate of Female Led…Mar 10, 20246Mar 10, 20246
In Celebration of Sexually Assertive WomenI learned early on. Women belong on top. She initiated. She mounted. She owned my orgasm. I was beguiled. And from that moment on, I…Feb 10, 2024Feb 10, 2024
A Female Supremacist’s Wise Words to Women“Remember, girls, female supremacy isn’t about crushing men but empowering women. We don’t diminish our partners; we uplift ourselves. An…Dec 14, 2023Dec 14, 2023