Feminine Leadership Beyond the Bedroom

2 min readApr 30, 2023

Her Words: “I have long seen the urgent need for men to step back with humility and take guidance and direction — to give up their privileged and oppressive power and learn how to live and be and feel wholly from women — to learn how to see what is real, filter it through their heart, and take right action. I have never had a lover and partner who knew how to be with my strength and certainly no man who would cherish it. I am comfortable in control, confident in self and voice, intense, strong-willed, firm in my convictions, courageous in my assertion of truth… and I know my body. My sexual hunger is very strong and yet I need the right partner because I cannot nor do I wish to separate my body from the sacred — the whole of me. I am a powerful woman. And yes, I need to be ‘on top’.”

She speaks truth to feminine power; standing apart as one of the most remarkable women I’ve been privileged to meet: a self-identified radical feminist and political/social justice activist; she values male submission — complementing her preference for control — while elevating, empowering and offering agency to women. She shares my outlook that through assertive femininity and male disempowerment, leadership-oriented women, supported by men who adore, worship and defer to them, can achieve a higher purpose: social and sexual enlightenment. Promoting and prioritizing the will and wisdom of women — while subjugating the wrongs and wickedness of men — promoted through patriarchal rot — gives femdom relationships social, sexual and cultural gravitas. As she put it: “I am not interested in the status quo — I wish to destroy the status quo.” As do I!

It is unfortunate but most submissive men cannot see beyond the nomenclature and imagery that too often defines female domination as little more than kink-infused bedroom role play. She tells him what to do and he either obeys or is punished. A couple of orgasms later and its game over: back to the patriarchy. Sounds simplistic and it is. Most men approach femdom as nothing more than turn-it-on, turn-it-off power-exchange. Their female companions either give-in and permit their male partners to assume a submissive role or reject it out of hand. Yet how many subscribe to the true nature of feminine power and the benefits offered by a lifestyle power exchange that respects yet disempowers men while promoting the needs and agenda of women? Not enough!




I am a sincere and secure submissive male who practices and promotes the benefits of woman-centric and led relationships with men. FLR, F/m Femdom